The National Prayer Garden
About Us
How it all began
The National Prayer Garden project was given to Pastor Kayode Peter, the president and founder. The National Prayer Garden Project is a 501c3 organization that was born of a vision I received a few years ago. The vision is to build an Non-denominational/Interdenominational, National Garden, an unprecedented monument to prayer, peace and praise, the first of it’s kind. Our goal is to serve as a catalyst for peace, love, and fellowship for Christians locally and worldwide. This garden will provide a place for people to come and pray and meditate, begin a new walk with God, find healing, rededicate their lives or simply have a quiet place to sort through the issues affecting their lives.
The National Prayer Garden will provide field trip and volunteer opportunities for students from pre – k to 12th grade. They will be able to embark on learning adventures with flowers and plants. Students will also be able to participate in stewardship activities at the garden, while enhancing their team building skills and gaining insight into careers in horticulture, and contributing to our mission to connect people and plants to improve communities.
The beautiful and tranquil garden will also provide field trip opportunities for residents of senior living communities and nursing homes. It will be wheelchair accessible and wheelchair friendly so that everyone, including those with limited mobility, will be able to enjoy nature at it’s finest in a quiet, peaceful atmosphere, while strolling through the winding paved pathways of the garden.